A (belated) review of Sky Harvest 2010
We wrapped up the 30 somethingth season at Sky a few months back. The season received rave reviews as it was happening and now that the dust has settled, it's time for a more measured analysis.
Each of the episodes featured a vast array of talented guest stars as well as blockbuster performances by the regular cast. Lore, the executive producer, managed again to bring together a ragtag gang of misfits and professionals (largely lawyers, chefs, engineers and medical care providers) to transform the mayhem into art.
The highlights of the season included:
~ great new costumes designed by Jesse and Paloma
~ a melodious score featuring acoustic guitar solos, toddler drumming, bawked death star anthems, and of course, the unforgettable theme of dueling bubuzelas
~ amy's harvest paella, several kegs of beer, and virtually unlimited bottles of rose, syrah and that fabulous 07 zin with the great label
~ great camradarie and memorable moments by the extended cast, most of which were well documented by the prolific paparazzi
~ a cameo by a hot female Serbian nuclear physicist
~ a dedicated crew of up and coming child actors
~ one crazy wrap party
The lowlights were few and far between, but worth mentioning was the uneven ripening of the grapes, a few minor cuts and burns, and the poor restroom facilities. I mean, can we get some portapotties on set, or what? And have they ever heard of locks??
The jury is still out on whether the large rattlesnake sighting was a crowd pleaser or should be cut (as in beheaded) next year.
All in all, another great season. Although, perhaps sharing directing credit as I do, I am a slightly biased reviewed.
Many many thanks to the entire cast and crew of Sky Harvest 2010!
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