Friday, January 1, 2010

New years resolve

I love the irrational optimism of the new year. Despite the past evidence to the contrary, we still have hopes that this year we will manage to tame our bad habits and be the super versions of our selves, at least for longer periods of time.

This year, matt resolved (for the nth year running) to road rage less. Good luck with that! He also resolved for me to shower more. So far, I'm one for one. Perhaps a record - I've showered every day this year!

I'm resolving to blog more. I'm checking out some new iPhone apps to encourage good behavior. Perhaps procrasting at life by blogging does not really count as self improvement, but I couldn't identify any other character flaws where a resolution would help. We'll see how it goes.

Best wishes to y'all in your lofty or low endeavors to make yourself more palatable to the rest of us. Hope the next decade rewards at least some of that irrepressible optimism.

1 comment:

Ryan Mlynarczyk said...

i've resolved to become a STRICT vegetarian instead of a "flexitarian". I know this isn't something you aspire to probably you meatavore you Skyla,.. hehe

but sheez...don't take more showers!!!!

man was made to appreciate female endorphins through the way they SMELL!