GeoTagged, [N34.05091, E118.23799]
Born and bred, baby. Born and bred.
Being a good northern CA native, I oppose all things LA. And soCal related (btw, anybody see Amandas NorCal tat at Christmas eve? It was a little 'love never dies,' no?). So I am suffering through the week in LA and San Diego. Well, maybe not suffering, but I certainly walk around with the smug assurance of Northern superiority.
The food scene has been interesting. The recommended more upscale place last night was fine and interesting, but really, nothing to blog about.
Lunch, on the otherhand, from Coles, a bar and french dip sandwhich establishment around since 1908, was great. Sitting at the bar (pictured above), made me desperately want to drink. Not a drink, but to drink. Old style cocktails, prominantly displayed Chartreuse, cool lamp fixtures. Plus the pastrami dip with a bacon potato salad side was primo. Really, any place that offers only 3 sides, one of which is bacon potato salad, has got it going on.
Tonight I walked thru a sketchy tunnel, past abandoned streets and barefoot bums, and into Little Tokyo for dinner (pictured). So far, ebi, kampacha, hotate, and hamachi. It's all been quality and delightful.
Now I should wrap it all up with a wry insightful comment on life, sushi, or LA, but I got nuthin and my sushi is getting cold. So let me beg off by saying, despite the French dip and scallops...
1 comment:
you STUCK UP little northern california PRISS making us nor calers look like SNOBS!!
WELL WE ARE!!!! ;)
I've been telling people all over the country how most nor cal folks just can't open their hearts to LA no matter how hard most of us try. ;)
A few of my more enlightened nor cal friends have actuallly had good experiences in LA because they went into the experience with the mindset that "it is what you make of it".
I just can't seem to get past the air pollution (and the enless city, and the paved urban jungle, and the plasticness of it all, and the.....ok i'll stop now).
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