Saturday, October 6, 2007

I'm Wacko, I'm Yacko, and I'm....CUTE!

Well...they all think they are cute..
I started this post a week or so ago and forgot where I was going with it. Lets just assume it was witty and insightful and call it a day.
The crew above (working hard, or hardly working?) is pretty darn cute, I must admit. Although, it does seem like they are a little too cool for school. And if you don't get the title, please do us all a favor and watch yourself a little Animaniacs. Its really that good.
I guess I was mostly just putting some pictures up that I liked from this harvest. I like this new view of the vineyard, although it would be nice if there were fewer gopher holes...

What are you two smirking at anyway? Someone must have been up to no good to inspire just such a grin on the big sister's face. Why is it that I can't find too many pictures of anyone actually doing any work around Sky?? I guess that is the consequence of having everyone boss everyone else around... It leaves very few people to actually get the work done. And if you do get suckered into doing some actual work, for dog's sake, don't let anyone catch you on film doing it or you'll never get a moment's peace.

Perhaps I am spouting much ado about nothing this evening. Perhaps its the effect of the perfect Mandarin Hangar One and Tonic that Matt has so skillfully created tonight. Perhaps its just my favorite M.O. When you go this much, eventually something must hit the mark, even if its entirely on accident.

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