Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bile Is Back In!

Puking went through a passe phase for a while there. I think its moment in the sun (imagine steam radiating from the pumice pile) has returned.

A while back, Matt was reading Athletics Nation, the blog he obsessively checked for new posts from obsessive A's fans salivating or fuming over every new thread of a rumor related to the team. I believe this was even before the last season started so it was just speculation about the arrival of the first pitch of the season. Anyway, one of these rumors was that a despised Anaheim Angel player might be signed to play for the A's and some clever and outraged A's fan posted "I think I just threw up a little in my mouth."

As much as I may not need to hear every little detail about the A's the way that avid readers of Athletics Nation might, I was THRILLED to have this information relayed to me. I just threw up a little in my mouth. It's f-ing brilliant! I love it. And I've used it - judiciously, of course -- no point in quickly burning out on the best phrase i've heard in some time - since then.

Fast forward to one of the many more rambunctious nights at Sky from this harvest. It was just a small group of us staying up past when we should have long since been sawing logs to build up stamina for the day of picking ahead of us. I vaguely recall Alyks, Ttam, Amolap and Lav talking incessantly over each other, jockeying for the floor, snorting and chortling (what the hell is chortling, anyway??). Drinking all the Trumer in sight and imbibing who knows what else. All of a sudden, there is an overwhelming stench assaulting our intoxicated senses -- and it is not coming from the prime suspect among the four of us. Amalap jumps up on a chair and yells something about a skunk walking into the kitchen with us. General chaos insues. Oh my god, did it smell. One of us MUST have gotten sprayed!! It became absolutely critical to evacuate the kitchen. We wandered around looking for a sanctuary from the stench and covertly trying to smell each other to find out who was the targeted culprit. Eventually we find ourselves on the front porch and someone starts retching. A dry heave-fest ensues. Think of that scene in Stand By Me with the pie eating contest that turns into a lumpy laugh fest but without the projectile vomiting. Mica eventually shows up to investigate the horrendous sounds and inform us that it was acutally the dog that got skunked. Things simmer down and as the dust settles, we take stock of our situation. It turns out that Lav might have blown a chunk and change, but the rest of us were able to keep our cookies down.

That's the thing about bile. It's just so FUN to talk about. Few things are as visually and verbally stimulating (even if in a repulsively can't-stay-away sort of way) and as humorous. Anything for a laugh...


Ryan Mlynarczyk said...

eeewwww...gross blog! (and no...i didn't puke a little in my mouth)

Don said...

one of my favorite puke stories ever involved val, and i wasnt even there to see it... val on all fours heaving over the bart rails... val stopping the bile trail upon seeing an oncoming train... val turning around , crawling to the other train tracks and continuing his bilious onslaught.

why isnt bart ever this fun for me?

Unknown said...

yeah, that bart/f -a-thon was primo. After the bart barfing, he came back to our place and puked in the allclad pots. And the best part of our new bedroom in kensington is that it doesn't have val and paloma puke on the walls...

Anonymous said...

OK, first off alyks spelled my evil twin's name wrong. Second, it's on the top of my list to lose a chunk and some change on your new bedroom walls. Last thing, Chris was trying to say he must be the "and I'm cute" part of the photo. PASHAW! do u see monkies flying outta my butt? Oh, and he says we all have pictures of HIM working at sky (at least his first harvest there)

sky said...

Yes. I got a C+ in spelling in the fourth grade. It is my weakness. I spelled Amolap wrong. I repent. I repent. I repent.