Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

I'm a slacker. What can I say? I did try to spend the evening catching up with the posts and putting down all the hilarious, heart-warming, self-deprecating, insightful, light-hearted, sardonic, and mundane posts that are floating through my head. Instead, I spent the evening putting pictures on my computer and online. Some can be seen here. And all I got to posting was this lame excuse for not posting!

In my defense, it is a busy season. We had twos T-days to contend with:

Followed shortly by Christmas:
With a whirl wind tour of the lovely Texas cities of Houston, Waco, Crawford, and Hearne in between. Talk about a frightening line up.

Well, we've come out the other end of the holidays relatively unscathed. Well, most of us have. Val was turned into a bit of a Nancy in the chaos of the pre-Christmas bachelor party:

And Dad followed up Val's bout of puking with one of his own the next night. He was like a bulimic Santa Clause trying to shed a few pounds in order to fit down our narrow chimney pipes. Or maybe he was just anxiety ridden that he wasn't going to make the "nice" list this year.
Anyway, there's more news to follow... and someday i may even get to it.

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